When you own a small business, you put so much time in it, time Ive taken from my kids, husband, family & Friends. I love what I do, & Love being able to make cute kids shirts, & making money to help my family. But when you have "BIG companies" like this MAMA App, Who not only steal our designs, But our picture..That is someones Child, who didnt approve it. Yes the outfit here will cost you ALL of nothing! But You are not receiving good quality products at great prices , you are getting knock off items of bad quality. Spend the extra money to support the people who put their blood, sweat, and tears in their businesses! Support us moms who chase our kids, why filling orders. Who stay up AFTER our family is asleep to work on stuff to get it out sooner. Shop small and spend the extra money knowing you are helping a family pay for preschool, or helping to put food on the table. The left is not only our design but also a brand rep of ours. They are stealing kids photos and blasting them on the Internet. The left is their 6.00 replica... Dont support this!
Clevychick about Mama - Thoughtful Shopping, v1.4.1